środa, 27 listopada 2013


concept designed specifically for Laryngectomee (patient undergo surgical removal of all or part of the larynx). This hands-free device aids patient to speak intuitively with hassle-free operation.

czwartek, 21 listopada 2013


helps to save lives by greatly increasing the success rate of administering Compression-Only CPR to an adult after a cardiac arrest. 100BPM gives the rescuer tangible feedback through sound and light, for the two most important factors for success of the procedure: compression depth and frequency of the compression.

Feedback for the depth of the chest compressions is conveyed through light in anintuitive and clear way. The product uses the surface area surrounding therescuer’s hands as an interface space, which is always easily visible when inuse. Rows of LED’s form a depth scale around the hands and illuminate in yellow (for too shallow), green (for correct depth) or red (for too deep). 
A 100BPM beat guides the rescuer to achieve the correct compression frequency.

100BPM also considers the stress and emotional stages the rescuer experiences overtime. Instructional voice commands are given to help guide the user as they learn the correct technique. The product regularly updates the rescuer of theamount of time that has passed, and gives them motivational messages to keep going, and save a life.